
Chip is a Principal Solution Engineer and Team Lead for the Sales Performance Management team at Salesforce.  Prior to that, Chip worked as a Solution Engineer for many companies including IBM and Information Builders.  He is proud to be a 7-time certified Professional with Salesforce.  He currently holds the following Salesforce Certifications:  Administrator, Platform App Builder, Business Analyst, Sales Representative, AI Associate, AI Specialist and Mulesoft Integration Associate.  Chip is also an All-Star Trailhead Ranger and an Agentblazer Champion.  check out his Trailhead Profile here

Chip graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi with a BS in Computer Science and Statistics where he was a Resident Assistant and a member of the Fencing Club as well as the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).  Prior to that, he graduated from Boca Ciega HS, in Gulfport, FL.  He also attended Enterprise HS (AL) and Knob Noster HS (MO).

Chip is a proud Air Force "brat" who lived in many states as well as Germany and England growing up.  He continues to enjoy travel as well as visiting his Aunts, Uncles, and cousins in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.

Chip is a member and Past Secretary of Lafayette Lodge #44, F&AM in Cumming.  He is the two-time past President of the Robert Forsyth Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution and current Media Committee Chair.  He is also a member of the Holland Society of New York and the Elias Moon Camp of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.   Chip has had 3 Patriot lines approved by the SAR and is working on 8 more.  He is also a member of the Vestry, the Knights of Columba, and "Breakfast Team #4" at St Columba's Episcopal Church, Suwanee.

When he isn't attending meetings at any of those clubs, Chip is an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 143 and Troop 5109.  He has been elected into the Order of the Arrow and completed his Ordeal, becoming an Arrowman in Mowogo Lodge #243.  Chip has attended Florida Sea Base, Summit Bechtel Reserve, and Philmont Scout Camp for the BSA Triple Crown of High Adventure.  He is a proud "Eagle Dad" to Alex and is looking forward to Genna achieving the same distinction.

Chip is a licensed Real Estate Agent and REALTOR® in the State of Georgia.  While he has no plans to leave Salesforce, he is happy to be a second pair of hands for JoAnn's successful Real Estate business, the Van Alstyne Home Group and working with eXp Realty of Georgia.

Feel free to contact Chip on LinkedIn or review his resume and Public Encryption Key under the "Business" section of this site.